Oh my goodness, do we have twin sons? LOL What you described in the original post sounds much like my son and our visit to the development optometrist. He did about 2 hours worth of vision tests, a reading test, and a couple of motor tests. My son is slightly near-sided so wears glasses. He already had surgery for strabismus but his eyes still do not work together. The DO wrote that he has visual functional and visual perceptual difficulties in eye teaming ability, fixation ability, eye movement control, and significant lags in visual directional concepts. He also recommended an OT eval for motor-sensory integration issues. That eval happened on Monday and waiting on report from that. My son is also really touchy like you described and he also mentioned developmental delay, which was a first for me!

The DO said that he would also need to do a Visual Information Processing eval (which is another hour) before we start vision therapy. That will give them enough info to come up with a plan of action. It sounds like some of the other posters may have had all of the above done at one time or broken up. Sounds like this is normal to do all that testing.

I'm really encouraged by the results people have had from VT. I really hope my son just transforms into a new, improved version of himself. He lacks motivation (in school), can be very negative, doesn't complete his work, etc. etc.

Best wishes on your VT adventure!

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT