Well we saw the COVD Optometrist. They first did a regular vision exam including dilation (which he had not done before and found a little traumatic in how it was done). All is normal 20/20 sight.

After discussing all the symptoms that may be related to vision issues, the Dr. said she wants to do a 2hr sensory motor exam and a 2hr visual processing exam scheduling a separate visit for each. So 3 visits in all to diagnose. Is that typical?

She did work with my son well which was important. She seemed to get him quickly and gave him jobs he enjoyed like assembling a model of an eye or challenging him to figure out how to operate some of her equipment.

He is having more and more complaints of nausea, dizziness, and stomach aches every day. He's having problems eating and brushing his teeth and is often refusing to participate in sports classes that he enjoys.

She noted how he was grabbing and touching all the equipment despite my correction. We struggle with this type of impulsivity/hyperactivity with him and have been connecting it to his ADHD diagnosis from a few months ago. She attributed it to a learning delay saying that he didn't progress from the sensory motor development stage as he should have since tactile discovery was easier for him than visual. He always touches everything regardless of consequences often getting in trouble at home or school. He's not malicious just overly touchy. I've never thought of it as being a development delay before and am mulling over that idea. I think she is the first person to ever say the words "development delay" to me about my son. So it is taking awhile to process and think through if this matches what we see with him.

So now we are waiting till next week and another visit.... then they schedule a 3rd visit..... then we finally have some more information about what is going on. It's a bit of a drive and I'm anxious for answers.

I'd love to hear how this mirrors or differs from the experience others have had. I always worry that I've picked the best person who will give us conclusive answers rather than just bringing up more unanswered questions. She is a Board Certified Fellow COVD but with no local recommendations my confidence is solely placed in the credential.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 05/21/13 01:57 PM.