MoN we are headed down that same path and though we are not there yet, I have been reading closely. For my dysgraphic kid with DCD, an AP essay by hand will look like a 2nd grader wrote it and be about as long. If he could type it, they would be impressed. But I agree, he doesn't need extended time, nor would it be fair to ask for it.

We have already started the path of demanding a 504 from our homeschool charter. They didn't want to do it because he doesn't have any site based classes. I put my foot down and required it for standardized testing JUST so we will have ongoing documentation for more than 3 years. When I mentioned that we needed it so I don't have to battle in the long run, they were suddenly far more understanding and willing to go ahead. So even though our state test has no computer possibility and is multiple choice (this year), he will have individual testing, not bubble his own sheet and have breaks as needed. Just so I have documentation in the long run. It is absurd that parents have to plan 4+years in advance just to get the kid to be able to demonstrate knowledge.