College Board knows. They told me that it just isn't their problem.

They don't HAVE to care, basically.

Yeah, it is outrageous. Particularly since mechanistically, it costs a sponsoring school NOTHING to host my child-- College Board covers the cost of the additional proctor.

I've been told by College Board that they can "give me a case #" if the local school refuses her a seat. The thing is, the local person hasn't done that. I don't THINK that she intends to-- unless she decides in the blink of an eye that she's tired of trying to find one more proctor, and in that case, we will have little warning that she's 'refused' DD until it happens. To be fair, I think that she is trying to find one. She's just got little motivation.

Given how long it took to get resolution on two requested accommodations, also, there's no way that College Board would/could do anything about it in time for that June date.

I'm VERY tempted to complain to DOJ about them. VERY.

I really just kind of posted this as a head's up-- I know that there are other parents here in a similar situation, needing accommodations and needing (though they may not yet know it) largesse from a school that feels it owes our kids nothing.

These big test companies are a law unto themselves-- and believe me, they DEFINITELY see things that way. It isn't that they don't know that they are obligated to kids with disabilities. They know. They also know that an individual family has got exactly zero leverage with them, and so the attitude is "Yeah? So? Bummer for you... but what are you going to do about it?" (said with considerable lassitude and ennui).

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.