Oh, it's a common complaint among kids with all kinds of hidden medical disabilities-- seizure disorders, diabetes, etc. You name it. The problem is that most of us don't have any kind of national patient-advocacy group with enough clout to take on College Board.

The only one that did is where you get accommodations for:

breaks as needed
food and medication available

That's right-- that's pretty much the limit of 'medical management' for College Board. It's because ADA threatened them years ago, or so the word on the street goes. Ergo "medical accommodations" are pretty much tailor made for diabetes management.

Because that's who threatened them with a class action over lack of accommodations and their cavalier attitude about it. Still, a good many diabetics give up even trying to get through the process, test with NO accommodations, and just figure "oh well, stress will probably lead to high sugars, not low. Not ideal from a cognitive standpoint, but better than hypoglycemia."

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.