I totally can relate to your post . I am experiencing the same thing with DS .

If i were you i would try to see the counselor , even if they never work with gifted children . Who knows maybe it might work . We took DS to this one counselor , it was only our first meeting , and by showing him the communication card we got from school , immediately he said DS seems ADD/ADHD , without even seeing DS yet . We never went back to that counselor ( he claimed that he worked with school for 22 years ) . We found another counselor , she seems like she can understand DS and i can't really say that it's working for us 100% because DS still gets in trouble at school on and off . That's why DH really thinks about homeschooling DS . Like you , i don't mind homeschooling too , but i just don't know where to start either . It seems so overwhelming . Although usually during summer , i would do some work with DS .. kinda like homeschooling , we're working on reading , math , etc .