So sorry you're having this trouble. I have to say, your DD9's comments echo what our DD9 was saying about school last year, which was a very bad one for her. In her case, we think she is PDD-NOS (i.e., on the autism spectrum due to her social issues) but with support from teachers/supervisors and peers, she can do just fine. However, last year there was another girl who was bullying her and others and the teacher just didn't get it--at least two of the other girls sought counseling due to the stuff this girl was doing, but the teacher (unlike previous teachers in the same class) didn't see it and the other girls including DD kept getting in trouble because of conflicts with this girl. So perhaps your DD is having conflicts with one or more other kids and isn't quite sure how to handle it?? Have you gotten any useful information from her about exactly what is going on, or is the teacher supportive and can provide any helpful advice? Sorry I don't have anything more helpful to say--in our DD's case, how well she has gotten along has depended totally on whether the teacher gets and supports her--if so, it's great; if not, it's a bad situation all around. I hope you can figure out how to help your DD; I know it can be very difficult. But if the teacher(s) aren't ones who get your DD, it may be much better to homeschool if you have that option. Best of luck.