Cricket2 - Thank you so much for sharing your honest and candid feedback. I see your point that DYS may actually look at all sub-parts of the IQ test - which don't meet DYS criteria as you have identified below. Regarding your comment on son's IQ scores, I thought of the possibility that he could've had a bad day, etc. But, that only seems like wishful thinking as I ponder on it more. Unfortunately, this is the first IQ test he ever took and he doesn't have any DYS level peers (or at least I have not explored fully). We were mentally prepared for such an outcome before we signed up for the tests.

We haven't had our follow up appointment with the psychologist to discuss a course of plan not for DYS particularly but for what we can do from here on to meet our son's enrichment needs.

Thanks again for your kind support.

Originally Posted by Cricket2
Take my opinion with a grain of salt in that we've never applied to DYS even though I do have one child who had qualifying WISC-IV scores 5+ yrs ago. My general guess, though, would be that she probably wouldn't get in with the scores you have b/c none of the IQ pieces qualify. I believe that the portfolio option is meant to be used when either IQ or achievement is not available not when one or the other doesn't hit their minimum score.

I say this, b/c in looking at old threads, there are quite a few people whose kids were close or just barely there who didn't get in b/c one or the other just wasn't high enough. I came across this fairly recent thread in searching the archives:

I don't know if Davidson takes age of the IQ test into consideration, but looking at the recent thread on the Flynn Effect would also make me wonder if they might consider IQ scores that don't hit their cut point to be more of a disqualifier on an older test. Again, just thinking "out loud," so I'm not sure if they'd take that into consideration or not.

Do you generally have a feel that these IQ scores are too low given the child you know? Do you know any DYS kids for comparison sake? I will say that my one child who is not quite at DYS level does still stand out like a sore thumb when compared to age peers.