Originally Posted by Rayson
TX G Mom - Wow, thanks for sharing your experience. This does give us a glimmer of hope smile Although, I am not raising our hopes too high.

His Explore scores are as follows:

English - 21 (missed 4 on rhetorical) 87%
Reading - 25 100%
Math - 18 83%
Science - 14 11%
Composite - 20 92%

According to DYS site, Composite, Reading and English scores qualify.

Originally Posted by TX G Mom
My DD was accepted into DYS with achievement scores and a portfolio. We did submit reference letters from her teachers, along with school testing scores and work samples. (Helpful Hint: We also requested test scores from our entire school district under the Open Records Act. We actually found that DD was performing better than 1 in 1,000 students that were a year or two older than she was!)

If the EXPLORE results are really strong, you should submit those too.

Bottom line, it is possible to qualify with achievement scores. Good luck!
Sorry I crossed posted with that last post of mine. So, at 10 is he a 4th grader or a 5th grader and were the WJ achievement scores grade normed or age normed? I ask b/c, in looking @ the DYS site, I see that reading, English, and composite make the DYS cut for a 4th grader but he misses by just one point on English for a 5th grader. If he's a 4th grader and the scores were age normed on the WJ, especially depending on which version of the WJ it is, I'd think that they would be more impressive and more likely to overcome the IQ scores not quite making it.

Oops, sorry I missed in your OP that he is grade skipped and a 5th grader. They might be willing to consider his age and look at how his scores compare to a child in the grade he "should" be in. Also, I'd now say that the WJ scores might hold more weight if they are *grade* normed rather than age normed.

Last edited by Cricket2; 04/14/13 04:44 PM.