MoN - I know you like to take the "kill em with kindness approach" but I just need to clarify here. This was not a subtle slipping out early scenario. I mean she STORMED out of the room. Grabbed her keys and her walkie-talkie and had to get by at least six people (sadly for her that included me, my consultant and DH) as she made her way from the far side of the table to the door. It was quite the scene...

Also I want to point out that when we described similar behavior at last June's IEP meeting (the one where principal said that DD's anxiety was her own problem not the district's and she "just needs to get over it) to the superintendent she a) said "I know if I was at that meeting I would have heard some things that would have made me very unhappy" and b) let us know that the Director of Special Services (who has since left the district and has been replaced by Director of Pupil Personnel in handling our case) was absolutely NOT in a supervisory position to the principal. The assistant superintendent/director of elementary education no-showed to a meeting last summer so we have made clear we will no longer try to work with him. That leaves only the superintendent...