I am going to be the dissenting opinion here smile We have jumped age categories before, with the attitude of "ask forgiveness, not permission." I am generally a very law-abiding citizen, but I have a hard time following rules that seem totally arbitrary, as age rules often are. What does it really tell you about my child if you know he is "12"? Does he have the same physical, social, and emotional maturity as all other 12 year olds?

If my child looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I will put him in a story-time with other ducks with no reservation or guilt, and no need to spend a half hour trying to convince the duck librarian to let him join, while the duck librarian secretly rolls her eyes at me and my gifted duckling.

Now, that being said, I've never falsified school documents or anything like that, but in these more informal settings, I don't see any problem with a little benign chicanery. If you had asked me this 12 years ago, I may have answered differently.

sign me,
Lying Liar