Well DH just came up with a hypothesis. He thinks the district actually got a good scare and now has no doubt that we will follow through on taking actions. He pointed out that DD's situation in school is significantly improved since the day we filed the complaint. She is consistently receiving para support and her enrichment breaks, she is being tested orally and is no longer expected to work to the point of failure before requesting assistance. I was thinking that they managed to manipulate the system and get away without penalty. He pointed out that actually they were forced to take their own corrective action before responding to the complaint. So maybe the 60 day time period for the state to make a decision is actually intended to give the district the opportunity to correct any problems that are raised so the state doesn't have to take action to do it for them.

I don't know if this is the case but at least it's a plausible explanation that makes me feel a bit better. Or maybe I'm just clutching at straws ...