I am at my mum's waiting for our new house to be built, so I don't have as much control around the safety of the house. My mum wants me to be more firm, but I am a "gentle parent", so I use distraction.

But non-dangerous playing is so exhausting. I feel bad that he is frustrated. I am also amazed that this little, tiny human being is soooooo determined! I, too, thinks DS2 will have a higher IQ, if this attitude is any to go by. I don't want to damage his spirit, or any learning gifts. It is purely selfish on my end to end the tantrums. My eldest is so controlled, organised, self-disciplined, and incredibly calm- it takes a lot to upset hi, even as a baby; my baby is exactly the same, except for the aggression, and in all honesty I am scared wink

Do you think it is possible that once he is capable of physically doing what he wants the tantrums will stop? Or will he be wanting to do what a kid 10 years older is doing?