My DS2 has just turned 12 months old, and he is quite clever. His mind is willing, but his body is yet to catch up. He is able to do a lot of things beyond his year, but some are tricky, like trying to put on his big brother's shoes and tie them up. He gets so frustrated and and I'll help him and put them on for him, but he gets angry and takes them off and tries again. Or with dangerous things, such as trying to put the fan's cord into the socket he pushes me a few metres away and goes back to it. He will not give up until he "puts it in" (there's a hole thing in the ground next to it that he thinks is the sockets).

He is usually a very sweet, quiet baby, but when he can't do something he really wants to do, he has an amazing temper! I appreciate the quality of stubborness and determination, but it's getting a bit much. So, do I let him continue trying, despite the crying and temper; or do I distract him with something else? I don't want to put a damper on his natural strengths, but I worry about him as a two year old LOL.

Thanks smile