Now knowing how the parents feel about the school overall I'd probably weigh in with homeschooling for the time being if they are willing and able, with them seeking more information about their son's profile and putting him regularly in group social situations with his peers to practice things. From everyone I've ever known with an IEP it does take diligence and communication is so important from the school. As a previous poster said, the school personnel, with all due respect to those who really care about the kids and who try so hard, overall many of them have their job as the bottom line as well as 1-not getting sued 2-not ending up on the news for something negative.

I'd second the info about school psychologists not being able to diagnose intricate 2E issues. Once my DD came home from school and said "what does ADHD mean and why would I have it?" I tried not to over react. I said "it means...said what each word stood for...and could mean that your brain is set up different than some others but also that you can have REALLY COOL ideas!!!"

For a child that age who is acting like your nephew, and likely very intune and sensitive, the break of homeschooling would be nice and also lessening the anxiety of what will happen from day to day for the parents. Everyone will sleep better.

oh yes and have private testing done - you pay, you keep. And find out if the potential psychologist or practice has an association/contract with the school district they live in (the one used for referrals, school observations...lawsuits... We found out about this little potential fact when we lived in our last state.

Last edited by bzylzy; 01/28/13 06:12 PM.