Originally Posted by Dbat
My dear nephew who is 7 and in first grade Any BTDT advice on what else might help?

You don't mention how the academic fit is for your DN. Have attempts been made so that he gets to spend a significant amount of his time in school actually learning academic material?

It's hard to know what is causing a sensitive kid to act so stressed out until the stressor is removed, but I would have to guess that unless the child is at a school with a full time gifted program, the job of handling oneself while all day long while not learning hardly anything, and not being 'allowed' to ask the questions that matter most to the child is a pretty big one.

I like the book, Transforming the Difficult Child' and I think the workbook stands on it's own very well, as a way to 'hothouse' that kind of maturity, but I'd hate it if growing a kid's maturity means that then the child can be left in a poor fit classroom.

See what I mean?

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