Grinity--apparently there is a gifted program, but the students must be recommended by their teacher and there is a 'behavior component,' which apparently would rule him out at this point even though the teacher is generally supportive. I don't think that DN has himself raised the issue of not learning enough, and I'm not sure anyone else thinks that is a problem at this point. But I suppose it could be part of it, or at least contributing. I'm not sure how one would sort that out--our own DD complained quite a bit about not learning new stuff before we started afterschooling, but it makes sense that not every kid would do that.

epoh--that sounds a lot like what happened with our DD as far as teachers and good and bad fits, and I'm glad to hear your son is doing better. Maybe my sister should have DN checked out some more; there's a new school psychologist they're supposed to meet with soon who might have some suggestions about that, I guess, so I hope things stay relatively stable at least until then. I think part of the difficulty too is that they aren't confident everyone at the school is really on their side. Hopefully if they decide to get an IEP team together and learn more about it they will feel differently.