My DD9 gets 1 hour on a school night minecraft or a design program. We do a "pay it forward" program, she uses this time to decompress right after coming home from school, will fool around outside first if it's not too miserable. If there is any fuss or not completing the homework she loses it the next day.

This is a recent schedule to do the screen time first, and it actually works very well. No screen time a minimum of 1 hour before bed, but this takes care of that.

Homework, drawing, reading, building, bubble bath...all quiet and wind-down. This helps her get a much better night's sleep and often she wakes up with about 1 hour to spare the next morning, so she can do any little outstanding homework or studying when she's really fresh.
Broadcast cartoons or DVDs from Netflix or the library on the weekends...still count the computer time as screen time and it gets divided up over the course of the day, still has to go outside, do some chores, play, etc.

During the week though because of the homework load she only does one activity, music, no sport this winter (they are actually very active at school) when the weather gets better and days get longer again we will add a sport.