My kids enjoy certain shows on the documentary channels, the game show types and the kids channels too. While we have busy days each day, they do get screen time each day (The older 2 4 and 6) and can choose how they spend it. They never choose TV, rather computer time or leappads. Dylan who is 2 will watch the occasional show (he loves watching sport with dad or Mickey mouse clubhouse), but usually runs away to do something else.

On a saturday morning they all watch for about 40 minutes together. I don't have rules per se, but when its enough I suggest they switch off and go do something else. We don't really have issues with it because there are so many other fun things to do. Although my 6 year old cannot walk past if its on and NOT look.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)