DD13 watches almost no television at all-- only Doctor Who, really.

She occasionally will go through a bunch of Netflix stuff (Monty Python, The Simpsons, and {shudders} SouthPark...)

When she was tiny, we didn't really stress out about how much TV she watched, but she didn't watch much, either. She liked Dora, Blue's Clues and Bear in the Big Blue House (gosh, I LOVED that show), as well as Emeril and other cooking shows. At most, though, an hour or two a day, and a lot of days, nothing at all. She just wasn't THAT into it.

Then she learned to read, and had even less interest unless we turned captioning on (which we did when she was about 18mo and kept doing-- we STILL do this for some shows where dialogue is important and hard to capture).

When she was slightly older, she was captivated by CSI and Numb3rs, as well as possibly the crappiest vampire thing ever on TV-- Moonlight-- and Ghost Whisperer.

She gets plenty of screen time Skyping with her friends.

But she's never been one to tune out or go "zombie" with the TV on, though she is definitely WATCHING if she's watching, and listening if she is not. Anytime she's done that zombie thing, I've known that she was ill-- we have allowed her to just "veg" like that when she has been sick.

That started with a handful of VHS tapes of the Teletubbies and Kipper when she was dreadfully ill with pneumonia as a baby/toddler. She watched hour upon hour upon hour of video/tv then. It was the only thing that she COULD do, and she was pretty miserable.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.