thank you! that DOES give me a lot of hope! His allergist said if things don't improve, they may put him in their de-sensitisation program and see if they could train his body to have some tolerance. The flu shot would had come in handy this season ... he had such a bad case of flu, we were in the ER with 107.3F fever. The hardest day of my life and can't even think of how many times that day I thought to myself I so wish he could had gotten a flu shot!

thanks again for your support! I do think that we'll just homeschool after the preschool year. Rather be safe than sorry! At least this year he's on a tiny little school bus dedicated just to that preschool class and he doesn't come into contact with anyone else. Next year it would be regular bus for K-6. Can't even imagine!

I understand about wanting to keep things private to keep your daughter safe. Thanks for offering private messaging! I'll keep that in mind!