I spent so much time and effort back in the fall to get DS4.5 into special ed preschool and he absolutely LOVES IT! I on the other hand keep wishing he's stop loving it so much so I could pull him out and keep him home! He's very bright (great!) but has far too many issues to keep things simple. Aside from PDD-NOS which we have pretty much under control, he has a bunch of allergic, including severe to eggs so we're constantly dealing with the stress of that (keeping him safe, epi pen at nurses office, no food residual in the school bus) ... he's missed probably half the school days due to being sick and on top of that, we have now discovered that he is allergic to COLD! And we live on the IL/WI border so freezing temps are a part of our winter season. So, now basically I need to figure out how to keep him safe on the bus too since there's always the chance that he'll have a strong reaction on his way home from school! His face got all puffy yesterday about 10 minutes after he came home from school. The reactions that this allergy triggers can be quite severe, to the point of needing an epi-pen! .... it would make our lives so much easier if he just stayed home for another year or two! .... if only would he stop loving school so much frown. I so want to pull him out but just can't do it to him!

ok, rant over ... anyone with similar issues? how did you / would you deal with it???