Been there done that-- got the same egg allergy teeshirt. For many years, we didn't eat in any restaurants-- ever.

The one good thing about egg and milk allergies is that there really is significant evidence to suggest that they get better (mostly "a LOT better") through adolescence. I'd never have believed that my kid could be one of them when she was five or six, though. We know that she probably won't ever have anything like "not allergic" tolerance, but the fact that she can get a flu shot is so amazing to us. (Yes, it makes her arm swell up and she is itchy, but allergist is okay with that as long as she waits an hour in the office afterwards.)

Anyway. Just wanted to let you know that. There IS a lot to be hopeful about with milk/egg allergy now. Much better than a decade ago. smile

So maybe try homeschool or virtual school as an alternative until your son is old enough to manage things better on his own?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.