HowlerKarma ... my son is aside from other things allergic to eggs, which is a fairly common allergy ... but so badly / unusually that he can react even to just egg smell. He'd get puffy just from the smell of scrambled eggs in the room. And that's something I can hardly control in the life outside the house frown so I completely understand!

We really wanted him in the preschool program and fought hard for it because he really needed that social interaction and we had big worries as to how he'd adjust in K next fall because of the pdd-nos and his issues with structure, directions, etc ... but now, adding worrying about him getting too cold or too warm on top of everything else, I'm thinking about not sending him to K and just homeschool since I'm home with the younger one anyways! We unofficially homeschool / unschool anyways since he's constantly learning something, asking something, taking something apart and it would put so much less stress on me ... which then carries onto the boys! I wanted him to learn the school structure and rules more than anything. He basically plays at school and learns at home but if we are to homeschool the next few years, than he doesn't really need it anyways! I'd much rather do museums and other social activities with both of them then constantly worry! frown