Thanks for that message, ABQMom. It was needed. smile I took my son to DC with me last year when I went on business. He did all his homework and learned extra math while I was in meetings, and then spent three days wandering around the Smithsonian with me. All in all, it was time very well spent (as opposed to "whatever").

Originally Posted by ABQMom
I have never understood participation grades. ...

If a kid is disruptive, there should be consequences, but grades should be about whether they learned the assigned material.

I see your point here, but I don't completely agree. Kids need to learn that there's a accepted way to behave properly and a right way to treat other people. IMO, this is a legitimate part of an education. I agree that "participation" grades can be used to inflate the grades of low-performing students (or as a way to express resentment). But this isn't the same as reducing a grade because a student is disruptive (thereby harming the ability of others to learn) or disrespectful.

I've worked with people who get their work done, but are toxic to others around them by being rude, disrespectful, or demeaning. I don't care if they get their work done if their behavior makes others who also get their work done unhappy enough to quit. Not to mention that they can interfere with the ability of others to get their work done. I happily knock points off their grades in a performance review if they work for me (or fire them if it comes to it).