Yes, children are graded on behaviors in our school as well - particularly if the grade/assessment involves a behavior (like poetry/language arts involves listening and attending, ykim?)Anyway, unless your DD has an IEP/504 that allows her or excuses her for certain behaviors, I would think it valid. So, for example, my DS has hypotonia... during circle time, one is suppose to sit in 'criss-cross apples sauce position' and listen; DS was grade low for listening in circle time because he kept laying down or wanted to sit in a chair more supportive of his back. It wasn't until I brought the 504 to the teacher's attention that that he was permitted alternative sitting arrangements and that was no longer held against him (granted this was kindergarten so it's not like they really had grades but I think you get what I am saying).

Last edited by marytheres; 12/20/12 08:48 AM.