Spot on MumOfThree. We are in Australia.

Interestingly we had no rebound issues at all today. Today could only be described as AWESOME!! We felt like one of those 'normal' families that you see on TV and you read about in books grin He only had a 1/2 tablet this morning, but 8 hours later his behaviour was amazing when we went to a resturant. Our friends were absolutely shocked. There were some minor issues (he did throw a toy that hit another child), but I put him in time-out and he agreed without any objection. That is HUGE for us! He also put his pyjamas on without being asked. He and my husband are sitting down doing a puzzle as we speak. I am really happy smile. I know that tomorrow may not be perfect, and we are going to have hippcups along the way, but I am ecstatic at the moment!!