Hi everyone

My little boy started Ritalin this week. They have not given him a diagnosis (gifted with possible ADHD - not all symptoms but very impulsive), but the issues that we have experienced are so significant, and given we have tried every other possible intervention, it was an absolute last resort. I know this may shock people, but my son is 4.5 years old. In your responses, please do not criticise our decision to look at medication at this age. I am not interested in criticism. My son needs some OT and SLP intervention, and basically he needs medication to be able to get him to a point where we can look at these therapies. Without medication and the ability to sit and concentrate, therapy cannot even begin. Also, he is in a very supportive kindy situation where they know him well, so it made sense to start medication in a safe environment, before he moves to school next year with teachers who do not know him (in fact he is at risk of being excluded from school before he even starts school). Finally, when your child runs out on the road with younger children and therefore puts himself and other children at risk, you have to put your personal opinions about medication aside in order to potentially save your own and other people's children. There we go. I said I wasn't going to justify my decision, but it just came out!!

To the point of my post. We have started on a 1/4 tablet (10mg) for this week. Next week we trial 1/2 a table, and the week after a full tablet. If he responds well we will then move to Concerta.

So far it has had a small benefit (e.g. he has been siting still at mat time which is amazing). He has been more emotional than normal, which is, from what I understand, a common side effect. His appetite has increased (which was interesting). He seems marginally calmer and easier to reason with at night, even when the medication wore off 8 hours earlier.

I am just really asking people to let me know their experiences? Did you start gradually. What changes did you notice as the dosage increased? What was the response when you went from Ritalin to Concerta etc? What should I be concerned about? Any information will be really appreciated.

Thanking you in advance