I'd talk to your prescriber about the meltdowns ASAP. They can be both terribly upsetting and wearing for the child, and as disabling as the attention issues, especially if the child has any evening activities.

We had to try several meds and dosages before figuring out what would work for DS. I'm not sure what the prescriber's rationale is in starting with Ritalin and moving to Concerta, but each med works differently and affects a particular person differently.

I know I say it often here, but: make sure you are using a prescriber who is expert, who sees hundreds of kids a week, who takes the time to understand your child's symptoms precisely and listens when you tell them about effects. I would not let a general pediatrician do this job for my kid; we use a developmental pediatrician. A psychiatrist who specializes in attention issues would also be an appropriate choice.
