Originally Posted by Astroboy
but the issues that we have experienced are so significant, and given we have tried every other possible intervention, it was an absolute last resort.

It's ok smile Medication is what some kids really need. I personally know three kids (from three different families) whose behaviour was so extreme and damaging that drastic measures had to be taken, and meds saved these kids.

Running out into traffic is not something to take lightly. Besides, just because he's on medication now (when he's at risk and needs it) doesn't mean he will be for the rest of his life.

My DS (ADHD combined) did his "traffic running" when he was about three, so I used a wrist strap (what a fantastic thing that was!). I'm not sure if you could use that on a 4.5 year old though. You have my sympathies...

Hang in there... It'll work out, you'll see smile