Hello AB,

I'm new here, and I just made a comment yesterday but I think it's still being moderated. I wrote about my DD23 with ADHD and her med history. It was rather long but I forgot a very important thing.

If you haven't already, please ask your pediatrician to investigate further by running full lab tests such as Complete Blood Counts and vitamin panels among others. My DS4.5 at age 3 suddenly started acting out, tantrums, extreme irritability, lack of appetite, not growing as expected, etc. and lo and behold, Iron Deficiency Anemia and Thalassemia (a hereditary blood disorder). Anyway, we also ended up discovering he had an enlarged Spleen due to this and it was affecting his food intake (spleen pushing up against stomach making him feel fuller).

Within 2 months of intense vitamin therapy, he slowly reverted back to the sweet and happy boy we knew prior. We now monitor his bloodwork every 60 days to see how he is progressing. His Thalassemia is a lifetime issue but his IDA is now almost resolved.

My suggestion is just be sure to specifically request Iron/TIBC and Serum Ferritin and insist upon and keep copies of all your lab tests.

You never know - it is always best to rule out other health issues that could be in addition to his ADHD.

It's been about a year now and we are very grateful that our pediatrician agreed to dig more deeply into his issues. DS has now grown 3 inches!

Wishing you the best in your situation,


Mom to 2E DD1989 and homeschooling DS2008