Another update: I got a call from the head of special ed who explained that she had talked to the administrator and would see if she could attend the meeting I am going to with the teacher on Monday. It turns out the reasoning behind not wanting him in that program because of the pull ups makes no sense, at least not to me. They are afraid the other kids will shame Bear (Um, he's already in the charter going to classes in another program, has met most of the kids in the program and no one has noticed or cared that he is in pull ups, not that he would care in the slightest if they ever did!) and.... (drum roll please) that since it is a k-5 program and most of the other children are older it would be too hard for him!!! (*recovering from laughing* A. What does that have to do with toileting? B. There is a K student in the program already and C. Bear is currently in 2nd grade math and 1st for every other subject. That one just screams smoke and mirrors to me.)