I've been wondering pretty much since DD was born. On everything but speech, she's always been about 50% ahead of whatever the milestone charts said she should be...

Sitting alone at 4 months and intensely studying and manipulating complex toys, walking at 8 months, paging through books alone by 8 months, "reading" alone by signing the pictures in her books at 12 months, 350+ ASL signs by 17-18 months, knew all her upper and lower case letters by 17-18 months.. Now, by 22 months, I think she knows most of her colors, counts to 3 - one to one, easily does 25 pc jigsaws and helps me with the 33 and 48 pc, knows a few sight words (I haven't asked in awhile), and everywhere we go draws my attention to writing and seems to want to know what the writing says. She also makes a lot of observations that surprise me - like months ago when she asked if my diamond earrings were stars, or when she bit a chunk out of her banana and told me it was a chair. I think that stuff happened before she hit 18 months. She also seems to have a good memory.

But... She's also speech delayed, so all we have is her signs to figure out what she knows and what she's thinking.

I just missed the gifted cut-off at 6, and my husband breezed through school to become a Software Engineer, so I would be surprised if she doesn't at least test close to a gifted cut-off. But at the DYS level? Probably not. It would be great if she could have DYS opportunities, but I don't think hubby or I are that level, so our kids might not be either.

I've been here awhile now and I see myself, my husband and my daughter in so many of the stories on this site...It explains a lot lol.

Last edited by islandofapples; 10/20/12 10:05 AM.