I have a theory (based upon a minimal amount of subjects - well 6 to be exact) that girls often "show" their giftedness earlier; and furthermore, even non-gifted girls may even appear ahead of gifted boys.

Like Edwin above, our ds spoke "late" and was very hard to understand. He also bounced off the walls and wouldn't sit still for even a short Disney movie. We have smart friends with smart kids, so we weren't all too impressed with his reading very early. It was more like a party trick. In retrospect, I see a lot more signs. But I don't think we really understood the breadth and depth of his thinking until his speech improved around 4.

Now that I have a dd2.5 who did EVERYTHING early, we're equally hard to impress in the opposite way : sure she spoke in sentences shortly after she was a year- she's a girl after all. AND she doesn't read yet the way ds did. I was pretty excited when I realized she could count to 20 at 18 months. Time will tell how thingss sort out.

Last edited by Evemomma; 10/19/12 04:04 PM.