Monday, I think.

Y'all can laugh at me about this one, but...

I got a referral to a psych, 'cause I need a paid friend right now. I did a short assessment with someone, who then referred me on... I went on Monday, only to discover a whole whack of Dabrowski (among st other things) at the door. As far as I can figure it, the assessing psych decided what I really needed was a psych who knew a lot about gifted children (amongst other things).

Really, I just assumed, based on DH's reading at 2 and my feeling underchallanged at a gifted magnet, that our kids would be smarter than the average bear. But I don't think I'll ever feel any mroe "secure" about their intellegence than I am about my own.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!