So, there is no application for gifted per say at this age. Just a meeting. As far as meeting with me and ds- yeah, that's how I feel. My dh seems to think it will be fine, but I'm leaning towards atleast asking for a gameplan, so I know what's gonna happen and can support ds and help him. I definitely don't want a touchy situation to get worse. Dh did suggest that I see if the meeting can happen in 2 weeks when he will be in town to atleast watch my ds age2. On a positive note, I met with the librarian today who knows ds well, and we had a lengthy conversation about how to continue with reading, AR testing and things to suggest to teacher. Yay.
I've also been worrying about his social situation at school. Teacher says he's fine, friends with everyone. Yet, he comes home telling me he has no friends, is looking for someone nice. I am wondering if he feels different. The only kid he talks about at school is his book buddy, a 3rd grader. I keep wondering if I could ask him if he feels this way, but I'm not quite sure how. When I've tried to ask about play dates, ds tells me, "if you want me to, Mommy." I have told him its if he wants to, so he's had no play dates since 8/1 when school started. Any thoughts?