Thanks for the words of advice, Grinity and Evemomma.
I'm not really sure how best to explain my ds teacher. She is very sweet, but wants him to fit in a kindergarten mold. I kind of don't get it. She asked me to work on coloring in the lines. Really? First of all, he does not like art. Then, she was quick to tell me when drawing, he has a hard time ( ex. Starting on the same line). Ok- I can work on handwriting/ drawing stuff. Yet, what about his desire to learn? Then, she asked if we did star fall at home. I nicely told her my ds had done it couple of times -2 years ago. At which point she said, ok let me talk to the 1st grade teachers and see what I can suggest. She asked me to work with Ben on writing a book with illustrations and sentences- that it's not about writing a sentence but "how and why". The teacher says ds is very happy and engaged in class, first to raise hand, gives good answers ( can explain how and why), and loves helping his peers. She thinks him telling me he's bored is when he misbehaves then doesn't like school. I was kind of taken off guard and need to reask, maybe he misbehaves because he is bored???
Anyways, I was given some things to work on him with, but not really how she is going to help him. Strange how that happened.
Well, thanks for listening. Now, time to figure out the next step.