Surely others with more experience in these matters will also chime in, but two things in your last post stood out for me.

Originally Posted by Mk13
I was really hoping to see more kids with similar "issues" when we went in yesterday so I would get an idea of the accommodations for these kids, but DS4 seemed to be the only kid not following the crowd.

I see this as a good thing! Either this is a sign that the preschool is doing its job in teaching the kids how to act or these kids then can serve as a model for your son.

As for the boredom, I am pretty sure what I saw was boredom. Unless he's engaged in something that really interests him or something of his choosing, he needs new activities coming at him every 5 or 10 minutes. Then he's done and needs to move onto the next one. So asking him to sit for 20 minutes while talking about one little book was pure torture! lol

20 minutes is a goal to work towards, and is tough for many 4 year olds. So he starts with a 5 minute tolerance. That's something to build upon, right? Hopefully the right environment will get him there.

Good luck with the new school!