My son with autism (not PDD-NOS) had similar problems in the special ed preschool. He started there at age 3 and we received frequent calls asking us to come get him because he wouldn't come out from under the table, etc. He did NOT do well in "circle time" at all. Luckily, a spot opened for him in an autism school where all the teachers knew exactly what to do to help kids learn how to deal with things like "circle time" instead of having the sink-or-swim attitude that the special ed preschool had.

I agree that your child needs a preschool to get prepared for kindergarten, but it is going to be a big adjustment no matter what. To expect a wiggly kid to sit still, even for 20 minutes, is asking a LOT!

My son was only in the autism school for a year and a half...then he went to a regular preschool that was very academic-based and structured. (They still had periods of the dreaded circle time though.) For him, the more structured activities, the better!
