I was really hoping to see more kids with similar "issues" when we went in yesterday so I would get an idea of the accommodations for these kids, but DS4 seemed to be the only kid not following the crowd.

I wonder if the specific options that he'd have should be spelled out in his IEP?

I was originally told that these groups are around 6-8 children but 10 or more, which would be his case is already an overwhelming number for him. But that's why I have to keep reminding myself that he needs it now before the numbers double in K frown. Fortunately Kindergarten here is only half day, so it shouldn't be that huge of a difference but they will expect him to act more maturely.

As for the boredom, I am pretty sure what I saw was boredom. Unless he's engaged in something that really interests him or something of his choosing, he needs new activities coming at him every 5 or 10 minutes. Then he's done and needs to move onto the next one. So asking him to sit for 20 minutes while talking about one little book was pure torture! lol