DeeDee--thanks; I think you're right that we have to make it positive somehow b/c otherwise she effectively gets penalized for reporting--so maybe a decrease in reminders?? But (also to Zen Scanner's point) we were trying to just have her keep track of the number of reminders last week to establish a baseline and I just can't get a straight answer out of her. So maybe I should just pick a number and give her points if she gets fewer reminders than that--so it's a positive incentive. Thanks also DeeDee for your comments about having help in the classroom--we would totally do this if it were an option, but the classroom is quite small and the school had resisted that kind of thing before (with another kid we knew) so unfortunately it has to work some other way. And we're still exploring the diagnoses--which still kind of annoy me further in that they weren't actually stated to be diagnoses, but rather probabilities of DD having the conditions based on the questionnaires (maybe it's always done this way? but I've seen 'tentative diagnosis' before, rather than x% on the scale). Anyway, we really want to do what we can to make this work and hopefully DD's behavior will catch up in a year or two so she can fit in better. Maybe I'll suggest LaTexican's idea of the cards, or some variation, to see if the teacher would think that was easier. But it really helps to have the brainstorming--thanks so much!!