So this year is going *pretty* well so far--DD9's teacher is being very supportive, but of course there are limits on how much she can do. DD continues to need reminders in class every day to not interrupt others, to listen respectfully to ideas of others in group discussions, to (appear to be) paying attention during group lessons, to keep her stuff organized (i.e., not scattered all about the floor), and to not overreact when she doesn't get her way...which actually is kind of a daunting list, but the teacher is really trying to help her, which is awesome--she just doesn't want to have to remind DD all the time (plus it's not really working to change the behaviors in the first place, although usually DD complies when reminded). We practice and reinforce all of these things at home, but I think what would really help is for DD to have consequences when she does these things at school, and rewards for not doing them--either at school or home. The teacher is already spending time and effort giving DD reminders and seemed cool to the idea of some kind of 'point system' that would reinforce behavior at school, so I've been trying to come up with something that would require minimal or no effort from the teacher that we could use at home to reward or give consequences for DD's good or bad behavior in class. At home, we see that DD is *very* motivated by rewards and consequences, whereas reminders just tend to roll right off her back. I just can't figure anything out, because DD is not an accurate self-reporter (plus it's tricky even with the best of kids to get them to self-report bad behavior), and DD honestly seems to not remember how many reminders she got each day, and to think that her outbursts are inconsequential (even though we discuss otherwise all the time). Has anybody dealt with a situation like this, or have any ideas?