If your dd's all about the female characters, Shannon Hale is a good choice. And "Alex and the Ironic Gentleman" by Adrienne Kress was a favorite here (Alex is a girl, ftr).
Dd14 loved Warriors, was bored by Redwall. Tolkein is jokingly referred to here as "Walkin', walkin'", because it seems like that's all they ever do. She's currently into Shakespeare, go figure.
And fwiw, ds14 spent a good bit of the summer playing World of Warcraft in between online math classes, music lessons and band camp (yes, he is that big a geek). He hasn't touched his account since school started and suggested yesterday I delete it. While RPGs can be a big time-suck, so can anything, if you're bored enough. Like...mmm...internet message boards. wink

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."