DS does this endless repetition thing too. (He likes the Seeker series, but actually it's not one that's gone on the endless repetition list.) Like others, I mostly don't worry about it (but I can see that I might if he were not being challenged at school). I do strew books I think he might like, and have been known to do things like including something new as one of a small number of books he's taking on a trip away, when I know he's going to be more open to it because he's going at some point to have just read everything else he has with him. The other thing that got him into new things was family reading aloud: we read The Lord of the Rings aloud, and started on The Silmarillion (only started, because then there was a train journey in which he grabbed it off us and read the rest of it himself) so now those are the current main read and reread books. If there's something you like enough to read it aloud that you think she'd like and that would be up a level, you might try that.

I haven't read the Seeker series that DS likes myself, so I don't know whether any of these are similar, but things he's enjoyed lately, in case any of these seem likely, include:
- Cressida Cowell's dragon series (new one just out: they get older through the series, as it were)
- Harry Potter of course
- Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci series
- the Percy Jackson books
- Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series
- Agatha Christie's Poirot stories
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, etc.

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