Besides making sure there's a nice big chunk of time between when he gets up and when you need to leave the house, two other things I can recommend are (1) try a timer, (this timer shows the time elapsing in a very visual way), and (2) tell him he'll go to school in his pajamas if he isn't ready (and mean it). The car leaves in x minutes and that's it. With this approach, I've had dd frantic trying to get dressed while we're in car line. She has since grown out of that. Lately, sometimes it helps if I put on my coat and grab my keys and act like I'm leaving - then the tears "wait mommy!", but I get annoyed when I have to pull that act - it's not like I don't have anything else to do before I put my coat on.

Also, if he is a visual-spatial learner, here's an article

I do my fair share of yelling in the morning at the kids to get dressed, though usually I start long before we have to leave... Also, if you have more than one child (sorry, I can't remember), it can always be made a race, though I wouldn't do that every day.