OH Squirt! {{HUG}} We have those mornings too. The biggest change I made was setting his bedtime a little early and having him get up about 20 minutes earlier to allow for those "lag spikes" in the morning routine.

I'm not sure if any of this will help you but they are some of the things that have made mornings bearable most days for us.

First, make sure if you can that you are up, ready and have had that first jolt of whatever gets you moving in the morning before you try to get your son up and moving. For me it is a tall glass of ice water lol.

Next, try to do as much as possible the night before. I pack his lunch, get out his clothes, make sure the book bag is packed and ready by the door, shoes and coat are found and ready. (Except for making the luch, these are his chores, I just make sure they are done before he goes to bed.)

Third, We have had limited success with the sticker chart. Until we learned what motivated our son, the sticker charts didn't work. On the advice of his Psych, we let him choose his reward. Each day he was ready to catch the bus on time, he decided that 1 randomly selected pokemon card was a reasonable reward. For each week that he met the goal everyday he got to pick an extra science experiment to do on the weekend. When he met the goal 20 times (didn't have to be continuous) we went to the museum or something similar of his choice.

What is working for me most days now is that when he is ready to go, we have some reading time together. The sooner he is ready, the more reading time we have. Seeing me sit down with a book usually gets him to moving to finish those last couple tasks.

Of course, we do still have those mornings when I feel like I'm yelling my head off and he is still stuck in slow motion. He almost missed the bus last Thursday...

Last edited by elh0706; 04/14/08 09:20 AM.