Oh, we've dealt with the same issues at our house with DS7. It has taken me awhile to realize I need to work things around his needs and to finally use some of my tools from OT to help out! Here are my suggestions:

Allow him plenty of time to actually wake up in the morning. He sounds like he is a slow riser. My son is also - just like me! But it took me forever to realize that he just needs more time to physically wake up. So, now I wake him up with enough time for him to lay in bed, roll around, complain, climb into bed with us to watch the news/weather or to snuggle and tickle. It has made all the difference in the world for him to not feel rushed.

Use some sensory strategies to help him with the wake up process. Try music to wake him - I sometimes put my daughters preschool tunes on son's CD player. They can be so obnoxious he HAS to get up to go across the room to turn them off! Or bring him a water bottle with something cold to drink - juice will give him a jolt of sugar as well as the cold sensation to alert his body. You can even try a freeze pop or popsicle if the cold stuff works. Use light to help. I usually open the curtains/blinds or turn on a softer light about 10 minutes before I try to rouse son out of bed. It helps to bring the body out of a deep sleep.

Try touch, too. My son likes soft touches like a back rub or leg rub. Instead of jolting him out of bed by shaking him, I sit quietly and rub his back and start talking to him.

For the routine, you could try a checklist in his room or wherever he is when getting ready. Keep it simple, but let him know that these are the 6 steps (or however many there are) that he needs to get done. And ditto on the TimeTimer. Those are wonderful!!!!!! I use one in every OT session and have used it at home for getting kids to eat their meal in a reasonable amount of time and get things done faster.

Do you need to move back bedtime? This is an issue for us. My son fights going to sleep but then doesn't get up in time in the morning. So getting to bed on time is really the core of the problem for us.

Does he respond to rewards? Definitely offer a reward that is meaningful to him if he can get out of the house for a whole week straight.

You've had lots of good suggestions from others - I hope some of it helps you. Hang in there. You aren't alone!!!!