Originally Posted by squirt
I asked him if he hated school and he said "No, I hate getting ready for school". I just don't know what to do. I know I should be polite and apologize for venting or at least say thank you but I really don't want to and I hope that doesn't offend anybody. I'm just in tears over this. It just breaks my heart.

Hi Squirt,
Great Question!
I was one of those do everything the night before folks, with washing and changing into 'tommorow clothes' before bed, laying out everything in the staging area, allowing breakfast eating and toothbrushing in the car on the way to school. Of course what helped the most was that I has a deadline of getting to work after the drop off! Lots of talk about how proud I was of DS helping the family by helping to get Mommy to work on time. Eventually I did get DH to do the actual driving to school, but I still had to do the pre-wake up, the wake up, breakfast, backpack backing - but it sure was wonderful. When I drove, I would arrive at work feeling like I had just worked a full shift!

I would definitly consider waking DS up about 90 minutes before 'leave the house time.' And earlier bedtime if needed. I'm with Lorel on the 'no pajamas at school' thing. Our 'family rule' is - you can't wear the same outfit two days in a row. I love that for young boys sweatpants and a tee shirt or turtle neck equals 'dressed.' Frankly, if it isn't comfortable enough to sleep in, DS isn't going to make it through a school day in it - he was a 'cut the labels out' kind of kid.

Some kids really hate the cold air on the skin that was so nicely covered by pajamas so recently. In the winter you can keep the jammies on and use them as long underwear.

Keep a log and jot down what works and what doesn't - you may find amazing coincidences about what precedes morning meltdown.

Best Wishes,

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