Hi Kristina -
My son is nine, and I get that from him, too:
You think I'm smarter than I am!

My advice is to arrange child led time on a regular, dependable basis - is 30 minutes a week doable? and make yourself availble to do what she want's to do. By listening and following, you are making it more likly that later she will listen and follow you!

then ask yourself - what kinds of learning behavior am I modeling? Are you learning new things where she can see you sweat over it? If you're doing both of those well, and she seems happy, I think you can relax and wait for the right moment.

By 9 the toll of not being challenged earlier starts to be quite noticible. A gifted summer camp may make a nice reference for her to see the benifit of your way of thinking. Everyone is uses their gifts in their own way, and your daughter may be inventing her own way right now - good luck - Trinity

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