hello all this is my situation i have 2 gifted kids such different kind of learners, well today i will talk to u about my daughter she seems to be losing interest in learning last year in school she read 184 books this year it is like 40 i was wondering if a gifted kid looses interest in learning what happens are they always gifted or will they average out. my daughter is getting older and maybe she thinks she needs to be like everyone elese. it is fustrating for me because i have heard so many people say just let them be kids and now i think she is like an average 9 year old but i want to instill new things from life that she would not get in school.i just do not want her to think that i am pressuring her.i am lost any input anyone............should i just let her do her own thing or should i set her goals high for her like tell her she needs to read more........kristina
